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窪田将治/KUBOTA Shoji

Biography and filmography of the directorWritten and Directed by KUBOTA Shoji

1974年宮崎出身。 1997年日本映画学校卒。2006年に『zoku』で劇場映画デビュー。2009年には女子プロレスを題材にした映画『スリーカウント』で長編映画デビューを果たす。2010年『失恋殺人』(主演:宮地真緒)、2011年『CRAZY-ISM クレイジズム』(主演:馬場良馬)、2012年『僕の中のオトコの娘』(主演:川野直輝)と3年連続でモントリオール世界映画祭“Focus on World Cinema”部門に正式出品されるという快挙を達成し、海外でも高い評価を受けた。また2016年には創作の場を演劇へ広げ、お笑いトリオ、鬼ヶ島のアイアム野田を主演に迎え「戦士たちの憂鬱」を作・演出した。その他の作品に「野良犬はダンスを踊る」(主演:近藤芳正)「D坂の殺人事件」(主演:祥子)「屋根裏の散歩者」(主演:木嶋のりこ・間宮夕貴)など多数。

Born 1974 in Miyazaki Prefecture. 
In 1997 Kubota graduated from the prestigious Japan Institute of the Moving Image, established by film master, Shohei Imamura. Kubota was fortunate to be mentored by screenwriter Shunsaku Ikehara and veteran director, Tatsuoki Hosono.
Kubota’s directorial debut came with “Zoku” in 2006. His first feature-length film, “Three Counts” (2009) was also about female professional wrestlers.
His “Lost Love Murder” (2010) original story by Ranpo Edogawa, starred leading actress, Mao Miyaji. “CRAZY-ISM” (2011) starred ever-popular Ryoma Baba, and “The Little Girl in Me” (2012) was headed by veteran Naoki Kawano. All three films were formally entered into the “Focus on World Cinema” at the Montreal World Film Festival for three consecutive years. “The Little Girl in Me” has been screened at numerous Asian and European film festivals where it earned high praise and was much appreciated by audiences and critics alike.
Never one to rest on his laurels, Kubota continues to be active both as a producer and director.


Kubota’s most important works
In 2006, Kubota wrote and directed “ZOKU” which won a prize at the Hiroshima Film Festival.

In 2009, Kubota wrote and directed “Three Counts” which garnered the honor of being the opening film at the Furuyu Film Festival.

In 2010, Kubota wrote and directed “Lost Love Murder” which was formally entered into the “Focus on World Cinema” at the influential Montreal World Film Festival.

In 2011, Kubota wrote and directed “CRAZY-ISM” which was also a formal entrant at both Montreal and the Japan-Filmfest in Hamburg.

In 2012, Kubota wrote and directed “The Little Girl in Me,” his third entry to Montreal, and again, at the Japan-Filmfest Hamburg, the KINOTAYO Film Festival and the Hakodate Harbor Illumination Film Festival.

In 2013 Kubota wrote and directed “Early Morning Twilight” which earned a place in the Sanuki Film Festival and the Gero Yunonaha Film Festival.

In 2014 Kubota wrote and directed “Woman Wrestlers”

In 2015 Kubota wrote and directed “Murder on D,street” which earned a place in the CAMERA JAPAN Festival.

In 2015 Kubota wrote and directed “BAR Kamikaze”

In 2015, Kubota wrote and directed “DECLINE OF AN ASSASSIN” which was formally entered into the “Focus on World Cinema” at the influential Montreal World Film Festival.

In 2016 Kubota wrote and directed “THE CRAWLER IN THE ATTIC”

In 2018 Kubota wrote and directed “Spirit Tours” which earned a place in the Horror Treasure Festival.

In 2020 Kubota wrote and directed “THE WICKED MOEBIUS WOMAN:THE RED ROOM” which earned a place in the Won Grand Prix at Horror Treasure Festival.

In 2021 Kubota wrote and directed “NAKED ANGEL:THE RED ROOM”

In 2021 Kubota wrote and directed “THE BUTTERFLY COLLECTOR:THE RED ROOM”

In 2021 Kubota wrote and directed “Passion Game:Rehearsal Hall” which earned a place in the Fukuoka Independent Film Festival.

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